Sunday, May 24, 2009


A Utopian city or world is a world where there is no sickness, violence, death, war and misery. But those events are inevitable, well most of them are. However the world would be better if people use less energy. Think of it this way, you need to pay less money if you save energy and you also get to live longer. And not just energy, sources as well. Recycle paper to save trees, they give us oxygen. Recycle plastic, some animals mistake them for food and if they ate plastic they would die of suffocation or toxic. A lot of countries are using solar, wind and water energy. But a lot is not enough, make it all. Remember, there is limited energy in the world, use it wisely.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Malaysia Week

       I got on the bus early morning still sleepy but excited for this perticular week. Malaysia week made me totally go beyond my comfort level, espacially when sleeping. I had to wake up every 3 hours just because of sticks sticking out of the groud, animals disturbing my tent ( bugs to be exact) and mostly because of sounds cicadas and other animals were making, it's as if sleeping next to a rock concert at it's peak. 

      Even though it was uncomfortable in many ways, it was still fun playing with friends, making new ones and helping the elephants in the sanctuary. Overall it was a good experience.

Still waiting for the next one.

Monday, March 23, 2009


1. Get better at soccer.
2. Get fatter.
3. Get good grades.
4. Be more responsible.
5. Be a better brother.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Malaysia is a small country but full of races. Malaysia has very delicious food. One of the most famous traditional food is Nasi Lemak (Fat Rice). However there are still fast food stalls. Ex: McDonald, KFC and more.

The Malaysia soccer team (we call it football here) might be weak now but hopefully the future Malaysian soccer team will be better. Now Malaysia is ruling in badminton and bowling.

People who love beaches and sea life should come to Malaysia for it's beaches. We don't have awesome waves but the animals under water are amazing. They are huge but not dangerous.
But mostly people come for the shops and one of the best shopping building in KL (Kuala Lumpur) is KLCC. It is the tallest TWIN tower in the world. If you are thrilled to go to Kuala Lumpur (The City of Lakes) bring money along.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Amazing how 5 months can feel like a second. People say times flies when your having fun. I don't really think school is very fun but someimes I feel it is. It is not very fun because of thinking, writing and complex instructions. Imagine having to work, think and write for half of your life. The first thing that pops in my mind when I hear the word education is school, probably because it is the best place to learn. But this is all only my opinion. I know how important school is but would it kill for schools to be more relaxing or easier. Even though I have to wait for a long time, I keep on reminding myself 'Everyday is a step closer to the biggest holiday ever.' And the biggest holiday is when there is no more school. Right now I think everything is alright. I decorated the words and made it into what I think of 6th Grade. The bigger they are the more meaningful it is. All this words are basically what I feel about my school.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Help me!!!

Many animals got killed in a year. People hacked, ripped and even chop of parts of a dog.
And cats, cats with no eyeballs, cats with no food, cats with their fur ripped off. My message is save and treat animals the way you treat your parents and friends.
Help adopt them, not just the ones that are cute but the ones that are helpless.You can make animals

like this:

Change to this:Please help.